The Best of Childhood

It has been a privileged life with everything experienced in such short span of years. On a drizzling sunday with the drops on my face with a mug of coffee in hand a thought came to my mind, to jot down my experiences in my childhood. I would ask everyone who reads this note to do so. You'll come across such beautiful and innocent incidents or experiences that it would at least make your day. Schools are really the best time anyone would ever had. For me it was nothing different. A very old school (nearing 100 years) with a huge ground and a amazing landscape. The roofs with thatched tiles (which used to leak during the heavy downpour in June and October), windows with wooden doors hanging on one hatch (hanging on the strength of the last screw), the wooden benches having an entire Mahabharata scribbled on it by the ancestors of the same class and the floors of mud stone which were now red in color. As an average student its always a pleasure to be not in the list of model students and to avoid "Has an answer always" kind of approach from teachers and also getting an opportunity to gaze out into the coconut and the mango trees which were drenching in the June rain. But being an average student doesn't always help, sometimes when the teacher have to go somewhere appointing the average student the class monitor (his role is to write down names of those who are talking rather than reading what they've been asked to) is like inviting enmity or threat from most of the students in the class. You somehow do political approach by not mentioning anyone's name and deliberately avoiding to write the most beautiful girl's name. But that doesn't give you brownie points but yes a chance to look at all the girls without anyone objecting.
The lunch breaks being the best by stealing from almost everyone's tiffin and then venturing out into the roads to buy a candy which was made out of honey and at a 15 paise was really a treat, from the money saved by not paying the bus conductor after a string of attempts. The likes in History, Hindi, English classes and the tension in Chemistry, mathematics, Physics classes bring the smile on my face today. Though have failed in mid term exams but have always made a point to pass in the finals, the subject always being Mathematics-2 Measurement of solids, trigonometry have always gave me dreadful dreams.
An average student always is good in everything else other than Studies - a universal phenomenon- so being good n sports and arts also gave a good fan following!! But sad is Indian society still considers studies as a benchmark for anything. Though lately, now, some changes are seen.
But today when i look back the times they were worth every second, all happy moments of gazing the rains, trees, stealing mangoes from school compound to sad moments of failing in mathematics, final day of school to dreadful moments of being caught for showing my friend answers in the final exam and begging the teacher to let go. As you learn and enjoy in schools you gain the best experiences from there. As Mark Twain rightly said " I have never let my schooling interfere with my education"


  1. me too njoy readin it Goks....lets make a rewind button :D

  2. @Lukks :) thanks.. yeah seriosly want a rewind button.. i wanna grow up once again... :)


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